Thursday 29 May 2008

Amphibian SOS

I spent some time this morning constructing a structure to enable two little frogs to get back to their pond. Our garden is mostly concreted over but there is a raised area at the rear where we have laid a pond and planted a rockery. The pond is home to at least two adult common frogs and four offspring from last year's spawning. While hanging out my washing I spotted one of the young frogs who must have jumped down from the raised bed onto the concrete below and who was trying unsuccessfully to climb back up the wall. I used two short lengths of wood to create a ramp and hope that he, and the other frog I found behind a plant pot, will have the sense to hop up it and back to their pond.

If I had been brave enough I would have picked them up and put them back myself. But I'm a bit of a coward when it comes to handling animals that jump!

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